Thursday, April 24, 2014

Where's the "dislike" button when you need it?!

Some ideas are just wrong….right?

I sense that when Mark Zuckerberg developed Facebook, his idea was to deliberately not include a “dislike button” but rather accentuate the positive power of what would become known as “Social Media.”

In the case of Facebook, this causes undue ambiguity, as we are reluctant to “Like” someone else’s misfortune or unfortunate loss.  For example, when we see a FB post that reads:  “RIP to my French Poodle, Fifi- my very best friend and companion.”   Do you really mean “like” to indicate that you’re glad Fifi is gone because all he did was bark, nip and hump visitors?    No, you want a “dislike” button to show that you are a compassionate person who “feels their pain.”  

Note:  I make the distinction between “dislike” and “unlike” as Mark Z. gave us the option to “unlike” something that we had previously “liked” in a moment of temporary insanity.  (Only on Facebook can you employ the word “unlike” as a verb.)

Recently, I “friended” an old band mate of mine from our 8th grade band, (cleverly named, “The Changin’ Tyde.”) I was now viewing posts and comments from him (and his friends) while appreciating his progressive (see also Liberal) views. Soon after, he posted a picture of himself being carried off on a stretcher, his neck in a brace, having suffered a painful, but not debilitating 10-foot fall.   This picture got a number of “likes” but I could not bring myself to “like” it. Where’s the “dislike” button, I queried out loud, to no one in particular.  All I could do was hit “like” (to show that I had seen his post) and then “unlike” (to show that I was not a heartless S.O.B. who delighted in his misfortune.) 

Sometimes I hear or read things and think, “does anyone else think this might be a bad idea?” I want to carry around a big “dislike” button (like the Staples EASY BUTTON) so I can fulfill my need for instant gratification and let the world know of my fervent “dislike.” (Or I can just get out my phone and post a tweet to my 10 million “followers.”)  

Recently I saw a commercial for a car that will parallel park itself with no human intervention. Now on the surface, this seems as if it deserves a “like”, aiding those drivers who never learned to successfully execute this challenging vehicular maneuver.   However, we already have runaway cars that accelerate on their own while their frantic driver tries to make them stop.  Imagine commanding your Toyota to parallel park in an open space downtown only to have it accelerate uncontrollably as you back up into the front window of Starbucks.  Call me old fashioned, but I officially “dislike” this new innovation.  

Last week’s paper had an article about overturning a ban on NH highway billboards advertising alcohol products.  This made me MADD! (Where’s the “dislike” button?!) Does anyone else think that Captain Morgan or Budweiser billboards on NH highways might be a bad idea and that they had a good reason to ban them in the first place? Roadside promotions of alcoholic beverages while flashing “Drive Safely” signs are mixed messages which deserve a “dislike.”  (Next sign on the I95 South reads: New Hampshire State Liquor Store - Take next exit.)


Am I the only one who thinks having any kind of gun as a prize in a raffle is a bad idea? (Sorry Wayne LaPierre, I must hit the “dislike” button, even though we have the right to bear arms.)

I read an article about a town in Illinois that had a raffle for the town Little League with an AR-15 assault rifle as the winning prize.  (As if to allay the fears of non-NRA members, the fine print said that the winner would be subject to a background check.)
Note: New button needed; the  SERIOUSLY?!”  button. 

Every time I (unintentionally) view a reader comment following an online article or Youtube video, I wonder who ever thought that allowing  “us” to comment on any article, video or social media post out in cyberspace was a bright idea?  Why do “we” want to invite the vitriol or stupidity of every disgruntled everyman who thinks his comments are worthy of consideration?  I do not "like" this, Sam I am!
Here's a good one; posted below a Jimi Hendrix video:
"Did he just say 'scuse me while I kiss this guy?'  is Jimi gay?" 

Here’s a short list of things that “IMO” would be deserving of the “dislike" button.
1 )  Small remote controlled drones delivering pizza or Amazon packages. 
2)   Another Rocky sequel, Steven Seagal re-run or Fast and Furious movie.
3)   Reality shows about housewives, bachelors, divorcees, backwoods families or self-made celebrities.
4)   Using the phrase, “at the end of the day” or “no brainer.”
5)   Congressmen voting themselves more raises.
6)       Justin Bieber mugshots.
7)       Miley Cyrus awards show appearances.
8)       Powdered alcohol.
9)       Waiting in line for hours to pay $500 for the next iPhone.
10)    Westboro Baptist Church demonstrators.

Ok- I invite your additions to my list as well as your comments on my blog.  (but only if you “LIKE”.)

Steve E. Reno

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